Functional ReEducation

Functional ReEducation

Functional ReEducation exercises develop the stability, flexibility, and strength needed in the core and postural muscles in order to maintain proper alignment of the body during all activities. These exercises support the chiropractic work by mimicking the releases the doctors perform on you; giving you the ability to be in control of your body rather than feeling controlled by your body.

Active Care Treatment/Functional ReEducation - 60 minute appointment; $231
Following your treatment (first 30 min) your doctor will take you through a personalized plan that focuses on reeducating and rebuilding your body into the right joint and muscle patterns. Stability, strength, and balance are taught during these visits (second 30 min).


3100 Timmons Ln, Suite 450
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 629-9200

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1801 Kingwood Dr, Suite 180
Houston, TX 77339
(713) 629-9200

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